Energy Storage
Balancing load variability allowing, among others, to load system sources in the load valley and avoid activation of peak sources when the demand for power from consumers increases. Reduction of energy purchase costs incurred by customers billed at variable daily rates or participating in DSM (Demand Side Management) during periods when they cannot meet the power reduction.
Energy Storage is the key to a Sustainable Energy Future
As the world sets itself increasingly ambitious renewable energy goals, energy storage is becoming a key element of the energy sector transformation. From photovoltaic panels to wind farms, renewable energy production is becoming more common. However, one of the main challenges is to efficiently store this energy so that it is available when it is needed.
Types of energy storage:
Mechanical (pumped-storage power plants, compressed gas storage facilities, rotating masses);
Electrochemical (rechargeable and rechargeable batteries);
Chemical (fuel cells, hydrogen or methane creation);
Thermal (sensible or latent heat accumulation);
Electric (supercapacitors).
Basic possibilities of using energy storage:
Program work.
Taking advantage of daily price variability on the Energy Market. The strategy assumes the purchase of cheap energy and charging the storage tank in the load valley and its subsequent sale during peak demand hours at much higher prices
Load management.
Balancing load variability allowing, among others, to load system sources in the load valley and avoid activation of peak sources when the demand for power from consumers increases. Reduction of energy purchase costs incurred by customers billed at variable daily rates or participating in DSM (Demand Side Management) during periods when they cannot meet the power reduction.
System balancing
Maintaining the power of conventional units in the area of maximum efficiency due to variable production costs, pollutant emissions, etc. The energy storage serves as an alternative or complementary source for peak load units.
Providing power reserve services in the power system. The service includes the process of charging/discharging batteries depending on the frequency deviation.
Balancing the network area, i.e. managing energy flows from/to the analyzed network area. The result is compensation for momentary fluctuations in demand and generation within the network area under consideration and a reduction in the need for regulation services.
Collaboration with renewable energy sources.
Maximizing production from renewable sources during periods of peak demand in the power system. Market benefits related to increasing revenues from the sale of electricity and reducing settlement costs on the Balancing Market, better sales forecasting.
Possibility to connect a larger number of renewable sources in a given network area without the need to make additional network investments. Accumulation of excess power generated temporarily and relief of a network element at risk of overload without additional modernization.
Supplementing renewable energy generation to the scheduled level or taking over excess production in relation to the forecast reported in the work schedule.
Managing network operation
Reserve power source for rebuilding the power system; island work; emergency power supply to power stations and key consumers.
Maintaining the required voltage levels in the network to maintain stable operation of the power system.
Elimination of overloads of HV and MV network elements caused by the demand for power from consumers
Compensating for the occurrence of quick, short-term events causing deterioration of power supply parameters, such as fluctuations in renewable generation production (wind generation, photovoltaics), rapid load changes, or emergency shutdowns of lines or generating units.
The key beneficiary of energy storage, in the era of consistent growth of renewable energy sources in production, are power grids, which, thanks to their use, can maintain system security by limiting investments.
Storage may also make economic sense for prosumers, industrial consumers and renewable energy installations. The development of the storage market and its stability are directly dependent on energy regulations.
A scenario is also being considered in which, with the development of electromobility, energy recuperation from electric vehicles powered by the traction network will be used.
The construction of a smart grid will be the culmination of activities developing the national power grid. The foundation of development are solutions in the field of information and telecommunications technologies (ICT). In addition to two-way digital communication systems, these include intelligent telemetry systems (so-called smart metering), automatic monitoring, control, regulation and network security systems, also in the context of cybersecurity, and measurement systems (including smart metering) for the flow of power and energy data, which are the basis for taking pro-efficiency actions.
Green-en offer for energy storage
Providing the expected locations using intelligent GIS algorithms, according to personalization of parameters defined by the investor, depending on their availability in Poland, or
Location analysis of the indicated area
The right to land on defined terms, a lease agreement on a fixed formula
Technological concept in cooperation with leading technology offices with experience in energy storage facilities in Poland
Full pre-design documentation, including environmental documentation, necessary connection conditions for utilities, easements, access and any other necessary to implement the investment in a given location.
Full legal service of the process, with protection of regulatory risks.
Carrying out the required planning transformations and obtaining administrative approvals necessary to start the investment, including building permits, if necessary.
Other required support from the investor or entity owning the location