Biomethane and Biogas
Biogas is a mixture of mainly methane and carbon dioxide produced by the anaerobic fermentation of organic matter.
By purifying biogas, we can obtain Biomethane, which is the chemical equivalent of fossil methane (natural gas) and can be used for the same purposes as methane, such as energy, transport or chemical production, including the production of hydrogen. Biomethane can be liquefied to obtain bioLNG, which can be used directly as a low-emission fuel, e.g. to power trucks and other vehicles.
Main technologies for obtaining biogas:
Biodigesters (usually agricultural biogas plants): These are airtight systems (e.g. containers or tanks) in which organic material diluted in water is decomposed by naturally occurring microorganisms. Contaminants and moisture are usually removed before biogas is used.
Landfill gas recovery systems : The decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) under anaerobic conditions in landfills produces biogas. It can be captured using pipes and production wells with compressors to induce flow to a central collecting point.
Sewage treatment plants: These treatment plants can be equipped with systems to recover organic matter, solids and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from sewage sludge. After further processing, sewage sludge can be used as input for biogas production in an anaerobic digester.
Basic substrates for biogas
Four main groups of waste substrates allowing the production of biogas:
1. Organic fraction (MSW): production residues and food scraps, green waste (e.g. leaves and grass), paper and cardboard and wood that are not used otherwise (e.g. for composting or recycling). MSW also includes some industrial waste from the food industry.
2. Animal manure: from farm animals, including cattle, pigs, poultry and sheep.
3. Sewage sludge: semi-solid organic matter recovered as sewage gas from municipal sewage treatment plants.
4. Crop residues: residues from the harvest of wheat, corn, rice, other coarse grains, sugar beets, sugar cane, soybeans and other oilseeds.
Availability of the main sources of waste biomass and organic waste at the disposal of biogas plants in Poland:
approx. 90 million tons of manure, slurry and manure (approximate amount, the amount of manure and slurry varies with population changes);
8 million tons of straw, cereals and rapeseed (of the total amount of over 30 million tons - part of it must be intended for animal production (bedding), pellets/briquettes and mushroom substrate);
4 million tons of corn straw;
waste plant biomass (e.g. from protected areas, naturally valuable areas, etc.);
waste from food processing, sugar factories, slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, dairies, distilleries, etc.;
refood, i.e. expired and spoiled food.
Biomethane, Biogas offer - for the Investor
Selection of the best locations based on intelligent GIS algorithms, including the possibility of personalization to parameters defined by the investor, depending on their availability in Poland.
The right to land under defined conditions.
Detailed analysis of actually available substrates based on field work and current first-hand data.
A technological concept based on the best solutions or according to the requirements defined by the investor.
Full pre-design documentation, including environmental documentation, necessary connection conditions for utilities, easements, access and any other necessary to implement the investment in a given location.
Full legal service of the process, with protection of regulatory risks.
Conducting the required planning transformations and obtaining administrative approvals necessary to start the investment, including building permits.
Providing offers for projects based on proven suppliers.
Care and support for the process of substrate contracting, obtaining the necessary resources to operate and manage the installation.
Implementation of related optional projects such as renewable energy supply, heat sales, or others depending on local conditions.
Offer - for land owners
Free assessment of the potential of a given location for various investment projects.
Preparation of an optimal concept for sale, lease or other legal form to benefit from locating the investment on the indicated land.
Assistance in transforming land or removing other obstacles to enable investment implementation.
Obtaining an investor, business and legal support for the contract conclusion process.
mob: +48 605 553 076