Biomethane and biogas

We deliver ready-to-build projects. Selection of the best locations is based on intelligent GIS algorithms, including customization according to the investor's needs.

Energy Storage

We deliver ready-to-build projects. We can provide a project in location selected by us or co-develop project on a specific site.

H2 - production and utilization

Locations and concepts, development of the project to the selected stage, including the ready-to-build.

Other green investments

According to customer needs

Projects in progress

We deliver investments

Biomethane, biogas, hydrogen, energy storage and other energy transformation projects in Poland

Our strengths 

Strong Team

Portfolio of the best locations

Cooperation with reliable business partners

Focus on the goal

Green-en Management

Maciej Kropidłowski 

Since 2007, he has been involved in planning and implementing investment projects for the energy and chemical industries, starting from his work at Siemens A.G. in Germany and power plant projects, through the largest oil & gas company in Central and Eastern Europe, where he was responsible, among others, for for the development of chemical and energy projects as well as for maintaining operations in the energy industry, including the implementation of photovoltaic panel projects and the development of offshore wind farms. From 2019, Maciej for the largest rubber and polystyrene producer in Europe, Synthos S.A. developed chemical and energy projects, as well as project management structures, then in 2021 he started his own business and supported companies such as the leader of the Polish construction market, Erbud S.A., in the development of the offer and acquisition of energy transformation projects, in particular in the biomethane, hydrogen and recycling industries.

Sebastian Przekwas

Entrepreneur and innovator. He has been associated with the internet industry for 20 years. He developed and sold two of his own businesses. One of them is a leader in online sales of ready-made house designs. Co-founder of many technology startups. Enthusiast of new technologies. He has been working in the proptech industry for 2 years. Creates the innovative Grunt Guru platform for land management in Poland. The company specializes in land real estate trading, including land development processes. He created the PSA tool based on GIS (geographic information system) data, which, based on algorithms, allows indicating optimal locations for the indicated parameters. Thanks to this, Green-en reaches the best locations with freely defined parameters throughout the country.

New Green Deal

GOAL: By 2050, the EU wants to become a climate-neutral continent. Achieving the goal involves actions in all sectors of the economy, such as: investments in environmentally friendly technologies; supporting industrial innovation; introducing cleaner, cheaper and healthier forms of private and public transport; decarbonisation of the energy sector; ensuring greater energy efficiency of buildings; working with international partners to improve global environmental standards....

More and more companies recognize that success is not only about generating profits, but also about caring for the community, the environment and good management. The concept of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is gaining importance, becoming a key factor in making business and investment decisions.

Business Partners

The company specializes in acquiring and transforming land for various types of investments. The key advantage is a system based on intelligent algorithms and GIS resources that allows for quwww.gruntguru.pl ick selection of optimal locations for a given investment.

The system allows access to every plot in the country as well as virtually every land sale offer. 

Gruntguru's strong point is an experienced team of specialists in the field of real estate trading and transformation as well as many years of successful experience with the real estate market in Poland.​